Restorative Dental Services


Restoring Your Smile!

For patients with extensive dental problems, restorative dentistry can provide a way to improve speaking and chewing ability, while simultaneously improving appearance and self-confidence. Missing, damaged, or severely decayed teeth often need replacing. It is important to Dr. McCarthy-Krisanits that she increases his patients’ quality of life by providing them with high quality, long lasting and good looking restorative dentistry. If you’ve been affected by dental health problems, our procedures can free you from worry. Whether you’re in need of strong dental implants to help you regain the power to eat what you want when you want, quality dental crowns to add strength, durability and stability to decaying teeth, or any other procedure, our staff will provide you with exceptional care.

Restorative Dental Services


Porcelain Crowns

Crowns are dental restorations otherwise known as "caps" which are coverings that fit over teeth. Crowns may be necessary because of broken down old fillings, fractured, chipped or sensitive teeth. Crowns are also used to improve the appearance of natural teeth that are malformed, malpositioned or discolored. Crowns are made of natural looking porcelain and are made to improve your overall smile or to blend in with your own teeth. Sometimes an underlying metal shell is used under the porcelain if additional strength is needed.

Fitting a crown requires at least two appointments. During your first visit, the tooth is prepared for the crown, an impression or mold is made of the tooth, and a temporary crown is placed over the prepared tooth. At the subsequent visit, the temporary crown is removed and the final crown is fitted and adjusted and cemented into place.

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Dental Implants

When it comes to replacing one or more teeth in your mouth, a dental implant is often the treatment of choice and is also one of the most conservative treatments for tooth replacement. Implants are biocompatible posts that replace the roots of your missing teeth. They are physically and biologically designed to attach to your jaw bone and become the foundation for a natural looking restoration.

Your new tooth or teeth will have excellent stability and strength, and will look and feel like your natural teeth.

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When teeth are missing and there are teeth on either side of the space a bridge is a further option to replace the missing teeth. When there has been the loss of a tooth or teeth and there is a tooth on either side of the open space, replacement teeth can be attached to two crowns constructed for the 2 teeth on either side of the open space. This is called a bridge because it bridges the open space.

When a tooth is lost 5 or more other teeth may drift so it is essential to place a replacement tooth as soon as possible. The space left from missing teeth may cause one of several problems. Teeth may drift into the space changing your bite, this changed bite may result in sore jaws, gum disease, or decay (due to more difficult hygiene).

Afixed bridge is used to replace one or several teeth. The teeth on each end of the space is used to as anchors (abutments). Bridges are not removable by the patient. As with other types of crowns (caps), a bridge can be made of metal or porcelain, or a combination of these two.

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Root Canal

Endodontic treatment, more commonly known as root canal therapy, is necessary when the pulp of your tooth becomes inflamed or infected. The inflammation or infection can have a variety of causes such as deep decay, repeated dental procedures on your tooth, or a crack or chip in the tooth.

When decay or damage goes untreated it can result in an infection to the pulp chamber of the tooth. After creating a small opening, very small instruments are used to clean and shape the root canal spaces. The cleaned spaces are filled with a biocompatible material and specialized cement to ensure complete sealing of the root canals.

With proper care, an Endodontically treated tooth will function normally for years to come.

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